Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Halloween from the Peer Staff Day 1

Halloween is almost here and we though we would find out what some of our shape designers are going to be wearing. We certainly think they should wear our clothes! Zak Escher is one of the Peer shape designers and he's all decked out for some Halloween fun. (OK, maybe I should be concerned about all that blood. It had to come from somewhere.) I talked about the Peer Jack O Lantern jeans earlier in the week, but the fun of Peer doesn't end there. Zak is wearing the Bloody Hell Jeans. These jeans make you look like you just stepped out of 544 Castle Dr. and you didn't leave the knife in the skin. They look great with the Cat Scratch Fever tee! Now Zak has had a bit of fun for Halloween and paired this outfit with the Bloody Mess skin. It completes the look. The notes for the outfit are below. We will also be featuring our other shape designer Ander Galthie and the master of Peer himself, Phinneas Vella. Keep checking back for those posts and info on our totally FAB Halloween party coming up on Thursday!

Tee - Cat Scratch Fever
Peer Bloody Hell Jeans
Hair - TekuTeku Shark2 in Cream
Skin- AZRAEL +Fallen Gods Inc.+ Special SKIN + Bloody Mess (retired)