Thursday, October 29, 2009

THE Peer DJ Says Happy Halloween!!!

Fireboy Andel is the official PEER DJ! He plays at PEER parties as well as special events. He also has several regular nights at clubs in SL so look him up and join his group. Fire is taking a whimsical approach to Halloween. He has paired the Ghost in the Pants jeans with the Murdering Peeps tee. No, you don't have to wait until Easter to bite the head off your Peeps. You can also continue to torture them through several Halloween evenings. I always start with the ears, or the beak depending on the Peep, oh wait... Anyway, fire looks like he could be seen running down the narrow streets of Whitechapel on some sort of mission. Or he could be running away from someone. Anyway, you should be running toward PEER tonight for the amazing Halloween Party!! We will see you there! Info in the post below or the upper right corner of the blog!

Shape- Fireboy shape, not sold
[ SKIN ][ Steve Law_Origin ][ Shaven ]
Hair-.:a.C - STD.GloXhair JAJAY TREND Color [BeacH]
Eyes- a.C STD GLOX.eye Line [Crystal] *JuzulY
Shoes- PornStar Slip-ons MultiColor
shirt PEER- Murdering Peeps
jeans PEER- Ghost in the Pants
Lip rings- **DM** Out 'n' Proud Pride Rings w/Balls Lip Piercing
Collar Xcite! ToKon Leather